
Two Sunday Services 9:00 & 11:00
Nursery / Children’s Church / Cry Room
Nursery Care and Children’s Church are available at the 11:00 service only. Please check in any time after 10:45. A Cry Room for infants is located at the back of the church.
Library Ministry:
Leader: Mike J.

Did you know?
Sonrise has an outstanding collection of books, located in the Fellowship Hall on the north wall. The collection includes Bibles, reference books, study guides, self-help books and even some inspirational fiction.
If you haven’t already done so, stop by and browse the titles. Better yet, take a book home and read it at your leisure. There is a sign-out sheet in a folder located in the bookcase. The folder also includes a review form you can use to tell others what you thought about the book when you finish reading it.
Once a month, the church bulletin will include a selected book review to help you decide what to read next.
If you have questions, comments and suggestions call the church office or contact Mike Joyner.
Title: The Five Love Languages
Author: Gary Chapman
What was the main purpose of this book? (i.e., self-help, testimonial, bible study, faith building, etc.)
Families, and especially married couples, need to be able to communicate clearly and effectively. Unfortunately, the act of simply talking is not enough. We need to understand each other and find ways to make our points and express ourselves beyond basic conversation. Sometimes love languages are based on what we do rather than what we say.
Provide a brief summary of the book.
This book provides insight into the ways we communicate and express our love for each other, whether it be statements we make or the way we respond in day-to-day interactions; i.e., the things we do. These are “love languages.” The book discusses the various love languages and provides examples of how different they can be and how to avoid the confusion and conflict that sometimes occurs.
How would you rate the book? (on a scale of 1-5)
Easy to read? 5 out of 5
Easy to understand? 4 out of 5
Held my interest? 4 out of 5
Made good points? 5 out of 5
Helped me build upon
My relationship with Jesus? 4 out of 5
Other Comments:
The book made me think of so many times in my life when I misinterpreted the love languages my wife using to communicate with me as well as my own difficulty in using the right love language to express my thoughts and feelings to her. The book is also helpful in understand the love languages we need to relate to other family members.